One of the many reasons that Near Death Experiences have generated so much curiosity in the minds of general public because they seem to provide evidence that consciousness Survives the death of physical form.
This has been a point to address the question of whether Near Death Experience provide any evidence for Survival. To keep it simple we can describe the feature of NDEs – Enhanced Mentation. The experience of seeing the Physical body from a different positions in space, and paranormal perceptions, that we believe might provide convergent evidence supporting the survival hypothesis.
There are cases that somewhat deficient to their investigations that may help us decide the extent to which NDEs can contribute toward the concept evidence for survival of consciousness even after death.The question in the Subject title might not be appropriate to the many people who have had an experience of the type which has been come to be known as NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE. On the other hand,many who have not had such an experience, the question in subject will seem central and most important that anyone can ask about this kind of phenomenon. The interest among the public in NDEs seem to stem in large part from the belief that NDEs occur when a person is on a brink of death or even clinically dead and due to this NDEs provide a brief glimpse of what can await us after death.
It may seem a bit confusing that although reports of NDEs have increased in past many years, investigators of NDEs have with rare exceptions completely ignored the validity of survival of consciousness after the physical death of body. Instead they have gravitated towards the less controversial activities such as studying the transformation in the attitudes and values that are almost globally reported on NDEs survivors, and speculate Physiological Mechanisms possibly underlying the phenomenon. They have avoided the more challenging problem of whether NDEs have implications for the question of survival of human personality even after death.
Many investigators have shied away from NDEs as they believe that if offers little promise of yielding any convincing detailed data bearing on the survival question. To these researchers NDEs are rather subjective experiences due to little or no content reported, there is no reason to consider these as anything other then hallucinating imagery that occurs under certain physiological or psychological conditions. Moreover these researchers have recognised that many features associated with NDEs are by no means unique to them, as similar experiences can occur when a person is ill but not at all near death and also healthy persons have also long reported experiences of feeling detached from their physical body ( in so called out of body experience) of seeing an unusual bright light (in mystical experiences, conversational experiences , and even some paranormal experiences) of seeing deceased people, or perceiving events outside ones sensory range ( in Clairvoyant Experience).
The consensus of the many people who study for evidence for life after death has been that NDEs have something to contribute of the altered state of consciousness but not to the problem of survival. Because of these researchers concentrate on the promising lines of research ,such as objectively verifiable statements of mediums, or the statements, behaviour and physical features of young children who claim to remember the life of an identified dead person.
Although the evidence for the survival form the NDEs is far from compelling; also it does not in our opinion deserve the neglect it has received in time by many.
Inspired by study of:
Emily William Cook , Bruce Grayson and Ian Stevenson
